Pasdec is committed to creating an eco-friendly environment and we are actively exploring a number of initiatives.

Renewable Energy

Throughout the world there is a drive to generate sufficient electricity to meet growing demand, whilst reducing CO2 emissions significantly. Pasdec is looking to reduce its carbon footprint by utilising solar power systems. Preliminary assessments are at an advanced stage.

Water Saving

Throughout the world there is a drive to generate sufficient electricity to meet growing demand, whilst reducing CO2 emissions significantly. Pasdec is looking to reduce its carbon footprint by utilising solar power systems. Preliminary assessments are at an advanced stage.

Our Approach

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Renewable Energy

As of 15th November 2021, Delta has achieved a total of 399 fully-vaccinated employees and 12 employees who have received their first dose. Together that equates to 97% of the workforce.​

Thanks to the efficacy of the nationwide awareness campaign being conducted by the Botswana Ministry of Health and Wellness, combined with the company’s internal programme, the importance of the vaccine’s benefits both at home and at work has resonated with the staff and the uptake has been excellent.​

We are not complacent, though, and Delta is still promoting the non-medical interventions, such as washing hands regularly, wearing a mask and social distancing.